Thursday, 7 April 2011

Secrets of Karate

Wow, it’s been a long time since I posted to this blog and for anyone who read the last post and was waiting for another, I apologize.  I think if you stick with me you will find I will start posting more entries to this blog and sharing more of my karate secrets with anyone who cares to stop by and visit for a while.

Over the years that I have been practicing karate, I have been fortunate to study with a number of senseis and they as well as some close friends have taught me many “secret techniques” that I have incorporated into my training.  The unspoken but ever present rule was that these secrets were given to me and only me and I should not share these secrets with anyone.

Over the last few years I have posted a number of videos to YouTube demonstrating a number of Chito Ryu kata and have received a number of comments about this.  First, let me say I know I’m not perfect.  In fact, I easily admit that as long as I live I will never perform any of my kata perfectly.  Karate training is a road, not a destination, and those who believe otherwise are, I’m afraid, misguided.

I originally recorded the videos as a training aid for myself.  It is pretty much impossible to watch yourself perform a kata so it’s a good idea to record yourself on video and then play it back and analyze your mistakes.  Even better would be to review your performance with your sensei or other karateka who can give you honest and valuable critique.

Since I now had these videos I decided to post them to YouTube to help promote Chito Ryu karate and act as a point of reference for others.  While I knew I was not perfect, I was reasonably sure that I had performed all the necessary techniques in all the right places.  This can be a handy point of reference for someone trying to learn a kata.  Also, since I had been seeing karate videos for many other styles of karate on YouTube but hardly any for Chito Ryu I felt it was important to help promote my style as I am very proud to be a Chito Ryu practitioner.

I heard a number of comments from various people that I shouldn’t have posted them to YouTube.  No one really gave me a solid reason why I should not have posted them but it was simply suggested it was a bad idea.  I still don’t know why it is a bad idea.  I wondered if they felt that I was giving away some of our Chito Ryu secrets.

I attended a karate clinic this past weekend and after it was over I went to lunch with some of my good friends and fellow karateka and we discussed some of the events.  One of my good friends was letting me in on a particular “secret” around one of the moves in Ju Ni Shi.  I had made a suggestion that we should pass this information on and I was warned, yet again, to only pass it on to my fellow Chito Ryu karateka and to keep the secret within the “family”.

I didn’t have time to challenge that assertion at the time but I am doing that now.  With all due respect to my fellow karateka I think that we should be shouting these secrets from the top of the mountain and telling absolutely everyone about them.  And here’s my argument for why we should be doing this.

In the early days of the martial arts people kept their techniques secret for two reasons.  One, they did not want their oppressors to know they were practicing to fight.  They wanted them to think they were merely dancing or doing simple exercise and so the details of the techniques were secreted away into the kata and only shown in secret to their fellow martial arts practitioners.  In the modern martial arts world we generally no longer have to practise in secret.

Secondly, they wanted to keep their techniques secret because it gave them what they believed was an “ace up their sleeve” in battle.  If their techniques were revealed then opponents could come up with specific counters to those techniques and defeat the martial artist in a fight which, in those days, meant they lost their life.

It today’s world someone might look at the technique and try to copy it, disagree with it, or even scoff at it, however, being able to perform these techniques takes dedication and practice with guidance from a good sensei.  What value is a better understanding of the technique to anyone other than a Chito Ryu karateka?

Finally, the most important reason to share each and every detail of your karate with your fellow karateka.  A good friend and fellow karateka, Jamie Creelman, passed away today after suffering a major heart attack.  He had traveled to many dojos and trained with many sensei’s over the last few years and had learned many karate secrets.  All the information he had learned but not been able to yet share has been lost.  Gone forever.

This blog post is dedicated to the memory of Jamie Creelman.  A friend and karateka with whom I have shared many secrets of karate.


  1. Glenn, sorry to hear of the passing of your friend and colleague.

    I agree with your statements above and think that "secrets" should be taught to those who can benefit from them.

    The real secret is dedication to practice; that is not something that can be hidden from or revealed to anyone but oneself.

  2. I find that I always enjoy life more when I can share what I learn with others. I may not be a karateka, but I agree whole heartedly with your position in this post.
